So today I used a mysql replication check found here:

But I couldn’t get it to work.  I created the /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/ folder that all of the documentation says you need to put the script into.  I reinventoried, and did everything.  It wasn’t being found.  Then after an hour of searching I came across this gem:

check_mk_agent | head | grep Local

It told me that my local folder was in a different spot:

[root@web2 check_mk_agent]# check_mk_agent | head | grep Local
LocalDirectory: /usr/share/check-mk-agent/local


I moved the script there and wham!  It worked!

1 thought on “check_mk local checks not working”

  1. Thanks for this little bit of information. I was having the same issue finding the local directory based on the check_mk documentation.

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